On the occasion of the Sustainable Development Festival 2021 organised by ASviS, the UNDP Green Commodities Programme and the Italian Union for Sustainable Palm Oil hosted a webinar titled ‘Sustainable Palm Oil Contribution Towards Sustainable Development Goals Achievement: Academic and Practitioners’ Perspective’, on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 (10,00 – 11,30 am CEST).
Since the inception of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, governments around the world have started to measure the progress of their national programming against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This trend shows the importance of using SDGs framework as the common ground in discussing sustainability issues among global actors.
At the moment palm oil is arguably one of the most scrutinized commodities. On the other hand, it is also one of the most regulated ones, which is reflected in the wide array of sustainability standards related to palm oil developed to address major social and environmental issues in the producing countries.
Currently, there is an increasing number of studies linking sustainable practices in the palm oil sector and SDGs achievement. For instance, the report published by CMCC Foundation on the socio-economic aspects of palm oil production and the achievement of SDGs, or the comparative analysis report prepared by Dr. Khaled Obaideen from SEGi University, that looks into the contribution of vegetable oils production (including palm oil) towards SDGs. These studies have shown that when the palm oil sector is managed in a sustainable and inclusive manner, it has a significant contribution towards SDGs achievement.
Given this context, this webinar highlighted the academic perspective on sustainable palm oil contribution towards SDGs achievement, as well as the public and private sector, including smallholders’ contribution through sustainable practices.
For more information ufficiostampa@oliodipalmasostenibile.it
Moderator: Simone Spetia / Journalist Radio 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore
Francesca Ronca / Segretario Generale, Unione Italiana per l’Olio di Palma Sostenibile
Charles O’Malley / Senior Systems Change Advisor, UNDP Green Commodities Programme – click to download the presentation
Matteo Bellotta / Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Division on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Forests and Ecosystem Services (IAFES) – click to download the presentation
I Gede Ngurah Swajaya / Director General of American and European Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Indonesia – click to download the presentation |
Rudy Prasetya / Head of Sustainability, Triputra Agro Persada – click to download the presentation
Rukaiyah Rafik / Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Smallholders Forum – FORTASBI – click to download the presentation
Marcello Valenti / Environment and Sustainability Manager – Unigrà – click to download the presentation
Simone Spetia / Journalist Radio 24 – Il Sole 24 Ore
Charles O’Malley / Senior Systems Change Advisor, UNDP Green Commodities Programme
Francesca Ronca / General Secretary, Unione Italiana per l’Olio di Palma Sostenibile